
To Working Men and Working Women


Listen to me. For twenty-five years, the most intelligent and devoted of men have dedicated their lives to the defence of our holy cause. In their writings, speeches, reports, memoirs, investigations and statistics, they have pointed out, affirmed and demonstrated to the Government and to the wealthy that the working class is, in the present state of things, materially and morally placed in an intolerable condition of poverty and suffering

Workers Solidarity Movement hosts its first 'dayschool' in Belfast


The need to agitate, organise and educate was the key message emerging from the recent Belfast Anarchist ‘Day School’.

Ex Black Panther Ashanti Alston audio


Ashanti Alston is a former member of the Black Panther Party and Black Liberation Army member told us about his experiences, the lessons he draws from them and what he thought of revolutionary politics in Ireland at the 2009 Dublin anarchists bookfair.


My experience in the Black Panther Party - anarchist Ashanti Alston at the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud


Organising The Fightback- audio


This is an audio recording of the '‘Organising The Fightback’' meeting at the 2009 Dublin anarchist bookfair. There were three speakers at the meeting, Gregor Kerr a WSM (and INTO) member, an Executive member of the Civil and Public Services Union (CPSU) and a representative of the Free Education for Everyone (FEE) Campaign.

Organising the Fightback - student & workers perspective from Ireland in 2009 by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud

Palestine & womens rights audio


This audio is of the session at the 2009 Dublin anarchist bookfair organised by the Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. The speaker is Nidal Saadeh, a leftist Palestinian activist from Bethlehem in the West Bank.


Palestine & womens rights - a Bethlehem women speaks at DABF 2009 by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud


Left Unity? What sort of Left should we be trying to build? audio


This is the audio recording of one of the first morning meetings at the 2009 Dublin anarchist bookfair 'Left Unity? What sort of Left should we be trying to build?' It was a debate between the WSM & ISN. There are contributions from the floor from "People before Profit' and the 'International Bolshevik Tedency'.


'Left Unity? What sort of Left should we be trying to build? - DABF 2009 with WSM & ISN by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud


Martha Ackelsburg on the Mujeres Libres audio


Martha is a US anarchist feminist and author of the classic anarchist text 'Free women of Spain'. In her talk at the 2009 Dublin anarchist bookfair she discusses Mujures Libres, the movement of revolutionary anarchist women that arose during the Spanish revolution of 1936.


Martha Ackelsburg - anarchist feminist on Mujeres Libres / Free Women of the Spanish Revolution by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud


What is anarchism audio


The 'What is anarchism' session from the 2009 Dublin anarchist bookfair.

This 'What is anarchism' session was recorded using my backup gear, this along with the fact that it happened in a cordened off area of the bar meant the audio is unclear at times and in editing I had to remove a couple of contributions which could not be understood above the background noise.


What is Anarchism - DABF 2009 by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud


Successful Black Panther meeting in Belfast


Over 50 people packed the Gallery Room in the An Culturlann on the Falls Road last Tuesday evening to listen to a speech delivered by the Anarchist Panther Ashanti Alston.

Consultative Group on the Past report - A Road Map to Peace?


The recent publishing of the report by the Consultative Group on the Past demonstrates the simmering sectarian tensions and hostility beneath the surface. 

The 190 page report by the group, chaired by ex-Church of Ireland primate Lord Eames and former Policing Board vice chairman Dennis Bradley marked 18 months of consultation with victim groups and others that have been bereaved through the conflict.

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