
Dublin Bus sacks union representative


The sacking of Eugene McDonagh by Dublin Bus management and his simultaneous suspension by the National Bus & Rail Union from its national executive shows the true face of ‘social partnership’.  Eugene has been a bus driver for 21 years and has an unblemished work record. The bosses and the senior union bureaucracy have come together to attack effective trade unionism in Harristown garage. 

Dublin Bike Courier dispute 2001/2002


Back in 2001 - 2002, bike messengers in Cyclone Couriers in Dublin got a bit bolshie and began to get organised. Always a tricky industry to make headway in, we won a couple of pay rises and fought back the boss's attempt to reduce our working conditions.

Rethinking revolution discussions in Dublin


Rethinking revolution is a series of discussions about the core ideas those of us who want revolutionary change think we have in common and so too often neglect to discuss. The discussions will be kicked off by an opinionated presentation of one or more approaches on these questions with the purpose of drawing all present into a discussion that we hope will continue long after the meeting. The talks are organised by the Outreach group of the WSM and inspired by those arguments we keep having in the kitchen at parties.

No Justice for Wheelock Family - Ombudsman whitewashes for Gardai


An Inquiry by the Garda Ombudsman's office into the death of Terence Wheelock in September 2005 has cleared the Gardai of wrongdoing. Terence Wheelock was taken to hospital from a cell in Store Street Garda barracks in June of 2005 he never regained conciousness and died on September 16th 2005.

US Troops out of Haiti - Picket of US Embassy


Haiti Solidarity Ireland invite you to join them in calling for the removal of American and other international occupation troops from Haiti with a picket of the American embassy in Dublin on February 25 from 6-7pm.

Dublin: Liberties Shell to Sea leafletting 12 midday


With Erris fisherman Pat O'Donnell in jail for 7 months for resisting Shell the 1st May branch of the WSM are organising a mass distribution of the Shell to Sea 'All the facts' leaflet door to door around the Liberties this Saturday. We are meeting up at 12 middy sharp outside NCAD on Thomas street and planning to head to the rally in solidarity with Pat at the GPO at 14.00 after the leafletting so if you able to run up at 12 and help please do. Please email us at 1stmaywsm@gmail.com if you are coming so we have a rough idea how many leaflets to bring.

Dublin: Picket of Shell HQ in solidarity with jailed fisherman


Dublin Shell To Sea will be holding a public demonstration against the jailing of Pat "The Chief" O'Donnell . We encourage as many of our supporters to come along on Tues and let Shell know we will continue our campaign against the theft of our natural resources. Please spread the word and bring as many people as you can.

Dublin Classed Closets, Queer Lives


The talk will be an informal conversation, followed by a chance to mingle and discuss over warm vegan food procured by Seomra's finest! Come along!

Interviews from the 24th November picket lines


This audio consists of 10 brief interviews with public sector strikers made during the national strike on 24th November 2009. Picketers at various locations across Dublin talk of what the strike is about, the effects of the cuts and how their unions organised for the strike.

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