
Feedback on the 2009 anarchist bookfair from attendees


Around 1000 people attended the 2009 Dublin anarchist bookfair in Liberty hall.  The audio file was recorded at the Seomra Spraoi social after the bookfair. In it 25 people give their impressions of the day.



What people think of the Dublin Anarchist Bookfair by Workers Solidarity on Mixcloud


Dublin: Demo against the imprisonment of Maura


On Saturday there will be a demo against the imprisonment of Shell to Sea activist Maura Harrington. Accused of assaulting a cop, Maura has worked tirelessly, with many other, in making a stand against the State, and one of the worlds largest corporation Royal Dutch Shell. Acting in defense of a local community, and seeking to ensure that our resources are put to better use than the profits of a few rich individuals, Maura is being targetted, again like many others because their activism is effective.

Dublin: Fighting the crisis - meeting and postering


Following on from last Monday's public meeting we are meeting again on Monday at 6pm at Seomra Spraoi to discuss further initiatives and to then go and put up the poster agreed at the last meeting all over town in time for the St Patrick's parade. Come along and join us.

Dublin: 'A World in Crisis: Seizing the Opportunity for Radical Change


Invitation to Public Meeting Hosted By Bloom: Movement for Global Justice and the Seomra Spraoi Collective

'A World in Crisis: Seizing the Opportunity for Radical Change'
Africa Centre, 9c Abbey Street Lower (Methodist Church Building), Dublin 1
Wednesday, March 18th, 6.30pm

Dublin: Organising the fightback


Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square Tuesday 19.30hrs March 10th.

Meeting to discuss uniting public and private sector workers


A public meeting to be held as part of the 2009 Anarchist Bookfair will bring together a representative of Waterford Crystal workers, an Executive member of the Civil and Public Services Union (CPSU) and a representative of the Free Education for Everyone (FEE) Campaign to discuss how workers – public and private – and students can unite against “government attempts to pin the blame for the financial crisis on the backs of ordinary workers”.

Free Education for Everyone (FEE) Fundraiser


UCD FEE are organising a fundraiser gig this Saturday in Slattery's on Capel St.

Come one and all!

Liberties Public Meeting: Capitalism is Failing Us Anarchism is Fighting Back


Public Meeting
St. Catherines Community Centre, Marrowbone Lane, Dublin 8
Thursday 5th March

Seomra Spraoi Launch Weekend


This weekend see's the launch of Seomra Spraoi's new autonomous social center. Already in full swing, this is the 'official' opening of the center. Come along, see what ya like and wonder at the joys of non hierarchical anti-capitalism in practice. You know it makes sense. Below is the timetable of events and further down some more info on about this collective of anarchists, libertarians and folks just like you

Dublin: National meeting of Public Sector Trade Unionists



SATURDAY, FEB 14, 11.30 to 2.30, Davenport Hotel, Merrion Square, Dublin

ICTU must call a One Day National Stoppage to begin a real campaign!

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