
Oppose the G8 dealers of austerity


The media charm offensive has began as our local corrupt political class roll out the the red carpet to the notorious gang of eight, dealers of austerity, state terror and imperialism.  The beautiful tranquil lakes of Fermanagh will be turned into a ring of steel’ with security fencing extending for miles protected by an army of professional thugs and watchtowers to keep the rest of us plebs at bay.

650,000 Homes STILL Not Paying Unjust Tax


In spite of a long and consistent campaign which has been waged against people in relation to the imposition of this unjust and unfair tax on homes, over 650,000 households have not registered with revenue [22.05.2013].  Draconian legislation and the threats of fines has not resulted in people volunteering their information to the revenue.

Dub: 2nd Table Quiz for Choice


Dublin Nights for Choice will be having a second table quiz, ALL proceeds to go to the Abortion Rights Campaign. Lots of Raffle prizes up for grabs. Table of four - €20 or €5 per head. 

Venue: Doyles pub, 9 College Street, Dublin (opposite Trinity)

Date and Time: 29 May 2013 at 19:30

More information at



Property tax unnecessary if government taxed rich, corporations


Campaigners against the property tax have said that the tax, which is being boycotted by huge numbers of people, is “totally unnecessary” and that the government should scrap it “unless it is prepared for a major battle with an angry public.” “The government has claimed it hopes to raise €500million from the property tax,” said Gregor Kerr, spokesperson for the Campaign Against Home and Water Taxes (CAHWT). “But this is €500million that ordinary people – who have already suffered 5 years of austerity – simply don’t have.”

Teachers vote for action but leaders opt for talks


Members of the Irish National Teachers Organisation (INTO) have voted by a massive 91% in favour of industrial action up to and including strike action if the government moves to cut their pay via legislation.  This huge vote is a clear statement by the union’s members that No means No, that their rejection of the so-called ‘Croke Park extension’ deal must be respected by both government and the union’s leadership and that they are ready and willing to take action to prevent the imposition of paycuts.

Irish Anarchist Review no7 - Spring 2013 - with PDF


Welcome to issue seven of the Irish Anarchist Review, published by the Workers Solidarity Movement. One hundred years on from the great Dublin lockout, the labour movement in Ireland stands at a crossroads. In this issue, we look at some of the struggles of the past that lead us to this moment in history and consider ways that we can progress the reconstruction of working class organisation. We don’t think there is a magic formula for success; rather we hope this magazine can be a forum for debate for activists who are involved in the struggles that are going on in 2013.

PDF file of IAR 7 to download (Print Quality version on Scribd)

Industrial Action: Strong Yes Vote needed from teacher unions


Members of the 3 teacher unions – INTO, TUI and ASTI – have begun a ballot for industrial action which, if agreed, “will be triggered in the event of government proceeding unilaterally to impose salary cuts or to worsen working conditions.”     INTO members will vote at meetings to be held across the country this coming week while ASTI and TUI members are voting by postal ballot with a closing date of 20th May.

CAHWT in a trap? - Review from 2013 Anarchist Bookfair


The talk on the Campaign Against Home and Water Taxes (CAHWT) at the Anarchist Bookfair 2013 in the Main Hall was relatively sombre in tone to say the least.  The echoing clamour of the Main Hall only served to highlight the strange impasse which the campaign has found itself in of late. The assembled survivors could have fitted easily into Room 2, which was packed to capacity by speakers on issues which would seemingly be less of a political immediacy.

Guest review by Ciara

Government & Revenue Commissioners’ spin & intimidation will not break property tax boycott


Campaigners against the property tax have condemned government “spin and intimidation aimed at trying to force people to pay the property tax” and said that it is clear that huge numbers of people are prepared to resist the threats and refuse to pay the tax.

2013 May day in Dublin with text of WSM leaflet


Mayday in Dublin save a collection of historic trade union banners and the Fintan Lalor pipe band lead over 1,000 people from the Garden of Remembrance to Liberty Hall. The march is organised by the Dublin Council of Trade Unions (DCTU) and featured ten banners created for the ITGWU by the artist Jer O’Leary with images of militant syndicalist trade union leaders  Jim Larkin and James Connolly and scenes from the 1913 Lockout.

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