Dub: Pride - march with PINC


PINC! Is an LGBTQ group which rejects the idea that Pride needs sponsorship from groups which are actively oppressive in Irish society and the world at large. Corporations like Google actively use their power as information providers to censor internet content in many countries. State organisations like An Garda Siochanna routinely oppress students, grassroots activists in rural areas, the homeless, poor and working class people, as well as having a culture in which rape jokes are found acceptable.

We want to remember what we REALLY have to be proud of. The incredible people in our community who do so much work in our behalf. People who work with LGBTQ youth and trans people of all ages; the people who are there for a cup of tea in Outhouse for those who are lonely and need someone to talk to; people who provide health services to people with HIV/AIDS; people who sit in helplines helping keep LGBTQ people on the brink alive; people who work with LGBTQ people in the travelling community; those who provide support to immigrants or LGBTQ people seeking asylum.

THIS is what we're proud of!

So, join us! We're not a top-down organisation, and all suggestions are welcome. We hope you'll march with us in Dublin Pride - RSVP on Facebook


We wanted to evoke images of an LGBTQ community resistance to commercialisation, sexism, homo/bi/transphobia, and the classic Gay Liberation symbol, the pink triangle, carries all this symbolism without reducing things to one identity word (like gay or lesbian) or one which many people find hurtful (like queer).

We also cheekily challenge the idea of the 'pink pound', because we are not a market, we are a community.


We need a lot of stuff! Luckily, in these recessionary times, money is the last of our concerns. We need:

-Volunteers to be stewards in the parade
-A big big PINC! banner!
-Possibly PINC shirts
-Flyers! These are to be distributed to people in Dublin Pride march as well as those watching on the sidelines.
-Fun, cheery people willing to put our message across peacefully. We are aiming to be a registered group in Dublin Pride. This means we have to behave, not foster conflict with other attendees, and collaborate with the organisers of the parade.

Do you want to help? Do you have questions? Zap an e-mail to prideincommunity@gmail.com and we'll get back in touch ASAP!

Hope to see you there :)