Dub: Shell to Sea launch €540 Billion election note


At 2.00pm on Saturday 12th February, the WSM will be joining members of Dublin Shell to Sea and supporters who are gathering at the top of Grafton Street (St. Stephen's Green) to distribute €540 billion ‘commemorative bank notes’ to members of the public, symbolising the cost to the exchequer of the extraordinary giveaway of Ireland’s oil and gas reserves.

The commemorative notes, mocked up to look like Euro bank notes and contain information for voters in the forthcoming general election on the infamous Ray Burke deal, which resulted in the State handing over control of its oil and gas reserves to multinational oil corporations. In addition, there is a short list of suggested questions that voters can put to general election candidates in relation to both the giveaway and the planning process for the Corrib gas field.

Come along and join this Shell to Sea event and show your support for the people of Rossport