France - solidarity protest with Repeal referendum


24th May, the eve of the Repeal the 8th referendum in Ireland there was a demonstration of solidarity with Repeal outside the Irish Embassy in Paris.

The demo is organised by international collective;
Abortion: Let Women Decide!

Here is their statement of support with the Irish women and people who can become pregnant fighting for bodily autonomy.

Press release:
22 of May 2018
Together for yes!

Solidarity with Irish women in their struggle for abortion rights.

On the 25th of May, Irish citizens will have an opportunity to vote for or against repealing the 8th amendment of the irish constitution by mean of a referendum. This amendment recognises the “right to life of the unborn” on an equal footing with the right to life of the pregnant woman, thereby forbidding abortion.
Today Irish women still can’t choose to interrupt an unwanted pregnancy! This forces them to take a boat or a plane to abort in the United Kingdom, or to have a clandestine abortion in Ireland, at their own risks, including that of going to prison.

By voting to repeal this amendment, Irish citizens are finally going to allow women of their country to freely decide over their own body. The unprecedented mobilisation of civil society - citizens and Irish personalities on the side of the “Together for Yes” movement, composed of more than 70 organisations, groups and communities, - shows to what extent this measure corresponds to a strong social demand.

If the “yes” wins, it would be a decisive victory: Ireland could from then on guarantee abortion to its citizens without restriction up until the 12th week of a pregnancy.
In a European and international context where women’s rights are being threatened (Poland, Italie, South America…) and in opposition to ultra-conservatives, the associations united in the “Free Abortion in Europe: Women decide” collective support women’s struggle: a struggle for all women’s freedom to decide what to do with their own bodies.

Abortion is a fundamental human right. We must obtain the guarantee of a universal access to this right for all women in Europe and around the world, including through the mobilisations of the European parliamentarians.

To this end
We call for a demonstration on the 24th of May 2018 at 17:30 in front of the Irish Embassy, number 4 Rude Street, 75016, Paris.
Contacts Presse :
Veronique Sehier - Planning Familial # 06 86 65 25 19
Suzy Rojtman - CNDF # 06 61 83 12 56
Josie Ceret - CADAC # 01 43 49 79 35
Thiery Lescant - Fédé Sud Santé Sociaux # 06 62 09 31 83

*Au dos la liste des associations du collectif « Avortement libre en Europe : Les Femmes Décident »

Members of the collective:
Marche Mondiale des Femmes France, Le Planning Familial, CADAC, ANCIC, La CLEF, Collectif Tenon, CNDF, Les effronté-es, Osez le Féminisme, Femmes Solidaires, Nuit Féministe, Regards de Femmes, Ligue du droit International des Femmes, Nous d’abord Pologne, Alliance des Femmes pour la Démocratie, Ruptures, Réseau Féministe Ruptures, SOS Sexisme, Elles sans Frontières, Assemblée des Femmes, Chiennes de Garde, FEMEN, Coordination Lesbienne en France, FièrEs, Libres MarianneS, Ligue Internationale des Femmes pour la Paix et la Liberté (LIFPL), Encore féministes !, Organisation Femmes Égalité, Association nationale des Etudes féministes, Fédération Nationale des Centres d’Information sur les Droits des femmes et des Familles, MMF 26/07, MMF Midi-Pyrénées, MMF PACA, MMF22, Collectif Midi-Pyrénées pour les Droits des Femmes, Association Politiqu’elles, Caféministe 26/07, Bagdam Espace lesbien Toulouse, Réseau féministe 37, APIAF, Collectif 84 Droits des Femmes, Emission Femmes Libres Radio Libertaire, Centre de conseil familial de Nouméa, PF35, Collectif 13 Droits des Femmes (Centre Evolutif Lilith, Céramistes et Artistes de Lilith, Dis-formes, Evreux 13, Femmes Solidaires13, Forum Femmes Méditerranée, Images & Paroles, Les Ailes de Siligi, Mouvement de la Paix, Planning familial 38, Mouvement Jeunes Femmes, SOS Femmes 13, Sylka Beauté Santé, Osez le féminisme 13, 3 G), Femmes contre les intégrismes, Féministes pour une autre Europe, Association Pleiraa Grenoble, Association Rue’L, Zeromacho, Collectif Fary Koumba, Association Pan-africaniste des droits civiques des femmes, SKB L’Union des Femmes socialistes de France, Mouvement de l’Economie solidaire, Ligue des droits de l’Homme, Europe solidaire sans frontières (ESSF), France Grèce Solidarité, Fasti, Attac France, Attac Toulouse, Association La Case Bordeaux, FIDH, Union Syndicale Solidaires, CGT, CFDT, FSU, UNEF, SNPES Pjj, SUD Santé Sociaux, FSU 13, SNUipp-FSU 13, les effronté-e-s 67, Coordination nationale des Comités de défense des hôpitaux et maternités de proximité, Fédération SUD Santé, Solidaires31 et SUD santés sociaux 31, SUD éducation Nord, Union syndicale de la Psychiatrie, Réseau Syndical international de Solidarité et de Luttes, CGT Santé et Action sociale, Commission féministe EELV, PCF, MJCF, Ensemble, Alternative libertaire, NPA, Democracy is OK, ADDP,
Sauvons l'Europe, DOK, No Somos Vasijas - Espagne, Ligue du Droit International des Femmes, Sauvons l'Europe, DOK, No somos vasijas, Ligue du Droit International des Femmes, Femmes-Egalité.