The Four Year Plan will attack YOU!


The government is to launch an all out attack on the living standards of the working class. The four year plan outlines a cut in the minimum wage, water charges, a household tax, a 5% cut in welfare payments, taxing of low wage workers, an €1000 increase in college fees, and cutting of 20,000 jobs.

The cuts and taxes are weighted against workers and the poor. The cuts when implemented will result in a substantial fall in living standards for workers and their families and anyone dependent on social welfare. 20,000 public sector workers are to be thrown on to the dole queue.

Someone on minimum wage working a 39 hours week will now be on €298.35 - a drop of €39 before tax. After that there will be E150 household tax to pay and water charges, unset as yet.  The minimum wage cut was driven by lobbying by the employers' bodies IBEC and ISME. 

The cuts will see many more people forced into mortgage arrears as they have to make a choice between food, fuel and payments.

There is a demonstration called by ICTU against the government taking place in Dublin on Saturday. No doubt these issues will be in the forefront of people's minds.

Words: James McBarron