Why the WSM is picketing the Greek Embassy


The Workers Solidarity Movement, an Irish anarchist organisation, have organized a picket of the Greek Embassy in Dublin this Tuesday 9th December 2008, meeting at Stephen’s Green at 5pm. The picket is in response to the killing of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, a 15 year old, who was shot and killed by Greek police in Athens on Saturday night. WSM spokesperson, Gavin Gleeson, says that “As fellow anarchists, we want to show our solidarity and support for the Greeks in opposing police brutality.”

Gleeson continues “The shooting has provoked demonstrations and protests around the world at Greek embassies, including in London and Berlin. There have also been large scale protests, occupations and strikes all over Greece. This shooting represents an escalation of the Greek state’s long-standing repression of the popular left-wing opposition movement. We will meet at 5pm at the top of Grafton Street (Near Stephen’s Green) and then march to the nearby Greek embassy to demonstrate against the killing of a child by the police.”

“We will make clear to the Greek authorities that we will not tolerate the violent suppression of dissent by any State. Freedom of conscience is a cornerstone of real democracy. The anarchists of Greece were at the forefront of the 1970’s struggles against the Greek military dictatorship and their continued refusal to submit to repression in any form has won them popular support. Politically-motivated killings by the police force of a fellow European state must not pass unremarked upon by the Irish people. Anarchists believe that an injury to one is an injury to all. We urge anyone who would defend our individual freedoms from arbitrary attack to join us tomorrow evening at 5pm to show their support.”