Dub: Zine making workshop with Abortion Rights Campaign


Creative and Direct Action from the Abortion Rights Campaign are looking to create a zine about choice, which would be one of many. We will be doing the zine making workshop on Tuesday 30th April at 7.30pm in Seomra and you are welcome to join us. This can be the first of many zines that can be targeted to different groups e.g. teens, Y-Factor, etc.

Here are some ideas that we brainstormed during our session:

Submissions from ARC members
Photos from 10 days of Action
Comic strip of step-by-step abortion journey
BPAS telephone advice dialogue given by helpline
Liverpool being main recommended abortion stop for Irish people because of proximity to airport.
Poems of people's journeys
Profile of an activist
Lowdown on a contraceptive
Older historical recipes/remedies for abortion/contraceptives - witch hazel, parsley, etc
Spotlight on…. (interesting pro-choice projects e.g. Derry)
Pro-choice groups map

entries to actionsforchoice@gmail.com before the 28th April