Over 30 years of anarchist writing from Ireland listed under hundreds of topics
This is the promised detailed analysis of the end of the WSM following on from our very brief announcement of December 7th, 2021 titled 'WSM has come to an end - we look forward to new anarchist beginnings'.Developed over a couple of dozen meeting since it outlines our collective reflections on why we have taken this decision. It outlines the WSM’s achievements, the challenges we have encountered, and the lessons we feel can be drawn for the future. We are writing for our comrades, friends and supporters who have worked with the WSM in the past. We are also writing for fellow anarchists internationally and all those who struggle in our social movements and wish to see a world without bosses. We hope this statement will be useful to those who wish to start new conversations and discussions about the kinds of movements and organisations we need to win
In order to become more familiar with what anarchism stands for the following were recommended by the WSM. Where possible we also created an audio file of the text being read, click on the Listen link to be taken to the audio.
Book length introductions
If you want to see a full chronological list of articles the WSM published use the All Articles view. Not everything made it online, in particualr from the pre-internet period but we did get even a lot of that content onto this site.
If you are looking for articles on specific topics the Categories listing to the left will be useful. For articles from particular Regions use the Regions listing just below this.
We also have a very comprehensive listing of articles by Subject but unfortuantly not every article on that subject will apppear there as its dependent on the correct tags having being added.