Over 30 years of anarchist writing from Ireland listed under hundreds of topics
Local newsletter distributed around the north inner city in Dublin in advance of the anarchist bookfair. 3,000 copies were distributed door to door
Contents include
Anarchist Book Fair Comes to North Inner City
Caution: GARDA at work!
Local Struggles: Dominick St
Saturday, March 3rd will see Dublin’s Second Anarchist Book Fair, a free, public event packed to the brim with radical bookstalls, meetings and social events. Last year, the event was held in the Meath Street Area and proved a great success. This year, due to the increased demand for stalls and meetings, we’ve moved to a larger venue, in the Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square, in Dublin’s North Inner City.
This years anarchist bookfair (3rd March, Teachers Club) will see a meeting for Polish speaking anarchists in Ireland. There will also be a 'Polish anarchists in Ireland' stall. Poland has quite a large anarchist movement as a result there are a significant number of Polish anarchists who like other Poles have migrated to Ireland to find work. They have translated a large number of articles written by anarchist in Ireland by WSM members into Polish. These translations are now available on the WSM web site.
Just before Christmas, Anarchist Youth decided unanimously to formally disband. All remaining members have or are in the process of joining the Workers Solidarity Movement. We felt we wanted to be part of a larger organisation with a better organisational structure, more of a support base and better resources.
Over the past year there has been an emerging preoccupation among anarchists and socialists with precarity as it’s an expression of a new work discipline imposed by neo-liberalism. Already there have been several precarity forums in European cities aimed at etching out a sense of the identities formed through the shared experience of the demands of job market flexibility.
Among our recent activities was the ‘Change Not Chaos’ mini-festival organised by a Derry WSM member. Saturday September 30th saw the Dunlgoe Bar play host to a day of anarchist talks, films and music.
Nuestro objetivo Este nuevo boletín, Liberación, es la contraparte en castellano del periódico en lengua inglesa Workers Solidarity (Solidaridad Obrera), editado por el Workers Solidarity Movement (Movimiento de Solidaridad Obrera) de Irlanda. Mientras Liberación recién comienza, el WS se viene editando desde el año 1984. Tanto en el papel como en la versión digital, hemos llegado a muchos rincones del mundo, incluidos muchos países de habla hispana. Traducciones al castellano de nuestros artículos han circulado ampliamente por internet, así como por diversos medios de comunicación alternativos. Liberación aparece, entonces, a la luz del día como nuestro intento de poder facilitar el acceso a nuestras ideas e información a quienes se interesan en ellas desde las regiones en que se habla esta lengua. Así se expresa también nuestra voluntad de involucrarnos en el debate constructivo y enriquecedor sorteando las barreras impuestas por los lenguajes.
The Workers Solidarity Movement held its Autumn 2006 National conference in Seomra Spraoi, a social centre in Dublin. The conference saw around two thirds of the membership attending with greetings sent from our comrades involved in the struggle in Rossport.
Saturday 30th of September saw Derry's Dunlgoe bar play host to a day of anarchist talks, films and music hosted by the Workers Solidarity Movement. The event which was organised by a local Derry WSM member saw people from Dublin, Switzerland, Copenhagen and Belfast as well as locals gather to discuss anarchist ideas.
Among our activities over the summer was a day of discussions about the role of women in revolutionary politics. About 60 women and men debated the experience of women in movements as diverse as the 1916 Rising and the 1930’s Spanish anarchist ‘Free Women’ organisation.