
Dub: Anti-Authoritarian Bloc on the Mayday March


Calling on all libertarians, anti-authoritarians, anarchists and individuals who believe in class struggle and a world devoid of elected representatives! Join us on the Anti-authoritarian bloc on the Dublin Mayday March, Tuesday, 1 May 2012, 18.30 at Parnell Square! There will be a banner making session on Sunday the 29th of April @ 2pm in Seomra Spraoi (Belvidere Dourt, off Mpumtjoy Square), open to anyone interested in making thematic banners! 

Bring your red and black flag on the march if you have one!

There will be a social gathering in Cassidy's Pub on Westmoreland Street afte the demo. We have a floor booked and there will be tunes for you to bop away to.

Dub: Anarchists - who we are and what we are up to - public meeting in Dublin


A Workers Solidarity Movement public meeting for everyone interested in finding out more about anarchism. Speakers will give an audio visual introduction to the history of anarchism before going on to looks at its relevance in Ireland today and detailing the various struggles that anarchists in Ireland are currently involved in. There will be time after the presentation for for your questions and discussion.

Wynns Hotel
Lower Abbey Street
19.00 12th April

Dublin: Campaign Against Household & Water Taxes protest at Dublin City Council


Monday 2nd April: CAHWT Picket at City Hall, Dame Street, 6pm. The City Council will be discussing a motion opposing the household charge. 

Dub: Unlock NAMA public meeting


Economist Michael Taft and author Conor McCabe will be among the speakers lifting the lid on the notorious secrecy of NAMA at a public meeting in Dublin this Thursday evening, March 29th. The event will take a hard-hitting look at Ireland’s ‘bad bank’ and give the public a chance to discuss democratic and fair alternatives to it.

Unlock NAMA was launched on January 28th when 100 people occupied a NAMA building in Dublin city centre. This was the first clear challenge to NAMA, successfully identifying and occupying one of the many buildings under the agency. The occupation came to an end after Gardaí threatened to arrest 70 people in the building.

What: Public meeting
When: Thursday March 29th, 2012
Time: 7pm
Where: Wynn’s Hotel, Abbey St, Dublin 1

Scuffles on Pearse street as Garda attack Occupy Dame St march


Over 150 people gathered at the Central Bank last night in the aftermath of the eviction of Occupy Dame Street (ODS). They then marched to Pearse street Garda station to demand the return of confiscated property but for unknown reasons the Garda prevented them for reaching the station, knocking many to the ground while doing so. Following on from the violence used during the 4am eviction that morning this represents a radical departure from the 'softly-softly' policing that has characterized the interactions of the state with ODS to date.


Feb 25 Household tax protests in Dublin


Saturday 25th Feb. saw many Household Tax demonstrations held across Dublin and a mass leafletting in the city centre. This was part of the nationwide day of action that saw around 40 protests take place. We give some reports here from WSM members who were at some of the protests around Dublin.

The eviction of the Occupy Dame Street camp


A large force of Garda and council workers were deployed at 3.30am today, International Women's Day, to clear Occupy Dame Street (ODS) camp. The camp was completely demolished in the course of the eviction, campers intimidated and their personal property stolen. This was a level of force way out of proportion with the numbers in the camp (about 15 people) and stands in contrast with the lack of resources put into investigating what happened at Anglo, the collapse of which has left a debt of 26,000 Euro on every single person in the country.  

A General Assembly will take place at the former camp location at the Central Bank at 18.00 this evening.

Dub: Unlock NAMA Fundraiser


Unlock NAMA is a campaign to access NAMA properties for social and community use and to hold NAMA to account. While NAMA is all about giving public money to private banks, we want to make public buildings available to the public.

Dub: Seomra Spraoi fundraiser punk gig! Twisted Mass and Complan


A fundraiser for Dublin's Autonomous Social Centre Sat 3rd March - Seomra Spraoi is hosting some deadly local Dublin punk rock! Fundraiser for our Autonomous Social Centre, come rock out and throw in a few quid to help pay them persistent rent bills! This is the first in a series of monthly gigs in Seomra, on the first Saturday of each month.

Successful Household Tax meeting in Dublin's north inner city


The latest in a series of meetings in the Dublin 1/3/7 area took place in the Mount Carmel Centre on Nelson St on Wednesday evening, covering the Dominic St, Dorset St and Blessington Basin areas. Despite the competing attractions of the “boys in green” and Olly Murs, about 25 people were in attendance.

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