
Picket at pro Water Tax Seminar


Emergency Protest 8:30am tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at the International Institute for European Affairs on 8 North Great Georges Street where Phil Hogan will be given a speech at a pro Water Tax seminar entitled the 'Future of Water Management'. Come and spread the word

Dub: Conversations about Anarchism - No 3


Join us for the third of our relaxed conversations about anarchism over some tea & coffee.  Twice a month we are going to be having an open discussion about anarchism in the form of a conversation around a set of questions. The idea is to create a space where people interested in finding out about anarchism can have a relaxed conversation with each other. As each sessions we will be working through a set of questions taken from the Anarchist FAQ.

The meetings will take place in the Seomra Spraoi Social Center which is at 10 Belvedere Court, Dublin 1. You'll find a map of where Semora Spraoi is located on their website at http://seomraspraoi.org/

Dublin: Benefit night for sacked shop steward


Benefit gig for Eugene McDonagh Defence Fund to aid his upcoming Unfair dismissal Court hearing.
Eugene was a shop steward with Dublin Bus who was sacked over an unofficial strike in 2009,he had a record of opposing cuts in services and conditions and we believe was targetted because of this. Please pass on to all trade unionists and those concerned with injustice.

 Music by trad/ballad group Boxty.

Clifton Court Hotel, Eden Quay

Sat. 22nd Oct. 8pm

"Zapatista Spring" by Ramor Ryan, Party, book launch and reading

Legendary DJ Tiroteo is making a special comeback after his extensive tour of the Far East, Scandinavia, the balkans, the hebrides, mauritius, and the Antilles, for the occasion of the launch of Ramor Ryan's book.he will be celebrating this occasion with a revolutionary mix of Punk, Pop, NewWave, Reggae, Ska, Latina, and Balkan tunes to hop, bop, pogo, spin and swirl to. There will be guest DJs also. The bar will be DIY, so BYO!

Dub: Conversations about anarchism no 2


Twice a month we are going to be having an open discussion about anarchism in the form of a conversation around a set of questions. The idea is to create a space where people interested in finding out about anarchism can have a relaxed conversation with each other. As each sessions we will be working through a set of questions taken from the Anarchist FAQ.

Anti fascist flash mob forces withdrawal of BNP invitation at TCD


In what is becoming a regular event the rich kids of 'The Phil,' a University club in Trinity College Dublin, decided they wanted to play with fire by inviting far right BNP leader Nick Griffin to address their meeting. Last night they were forced to cancel the event after getting their fingers burnt when a 30 strong anti fascist flash mob protested at their regular meeting last night, a week before Griffins organising opportunity had been scheduled.

Occupy 'x' arrives in Ireland with Occupy Dame street


The 'Occupy X' movement arrived in Ireland over the weekend when a core group of around 50 people set up camp at the Central Bank Plaza on Dame street. Numbers grew to a few hundred at times over the next days and nights as supporters came down to join in for a while and the curious stopped to see what was going on. Issues highlighted by participants included the bank bail out, IMF intervention & the ongoing Great Oil & Gas Giveaway.

Dub: Conversations about Anarchism - No 1 The basics


Join us for a relaxed conversation about anarchism over some tea & coffee. Twice a month we are going to be having an open discussion about anarchism in the form of a conversation around a set of questions. The idea is to create a space where people interested in finding out about anarchism can have a relaxed conversation with each other. As each sessions we will be working through a set of questions taken from the Anarchist FAQ.

Michael Albert talking in Dublin on Alternatives to Capitalism and the IMF


Michael Albert, writer, activist, author of 'Parecon - Life after Capitalism' and co-founder of ZNet, will be giving talks at various locations in Europe in October 2011 including a talk in Dublin, October 11th. Subjects include media, participatory economics, the creation of a new international organisation for a participatory society, and strategy for social change.

Outrage At Paltry Fine For Death Of Worker


A Dublin family has expressed its outrage at the imposition of a €100,000 fine on a leading construction company for the death of a worker in 2007. 28-year-old father of two, Eddie Fowler, died on 18th January 2007 following a workplace accident on the site of the Charlestown Shopping Centre in Finglas.  Mr. Fowler was fatally injured when he was struck by a plank which blew off scaffolding in high winds.  An inspector from the Health and Safety Authority, Kay Baxter, told a court hearing that workers should not have been allowed onto that section of the site that day. 

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