
Anti-Corruption public meeting in Dublin


Saturday, November 19th, 2005. 2pm at the Mansion House, Dason Street. The Open public meeting will start at 2pm on Saturday 19th November at the Mansion House where the first Dail commenced. The meeting is being chaired by Frank McBrearty, Jnr. It has been organised by the people who were at the Donegal meeting, which was a huge success and where over 500 people turned up to vent their anger and frustration at the level of corruption in this country. The Donegal meeting highlighted the need for an Independent Garda Ombudsman. Justice Ireland is going to highlight the need for an Independent Garda Ombudsman in every large town and city across the country in meetings similar to Donegal and Dublin.

15 jailed for resisting imposition of bin tax in Dublin


In Spain there was an old saying to describe the inequity of that society; "some people eat but do not work and most people work but do not eat." It appears that this is the new type of society that the present Government wish to implement in Ireland.

Bin tax & anti-war protesters jailed while rich ignore laws


The last months in Dublin have seen the jailing of ordinary working class people for protesting against the bin tax. A tax whose introduction was not only opposed by most people but which tens of thousands are refusing to pay. In the spring of this year more then five people were held in jail for periods because they had protested against the US military using Shannon airport to refuel en route to the Iraq war. Opinion polls at the time showed the vast majority of people opposed this war and this refuelling.

'Justice' and 'Equality' in action - one law for the rich and another for the poor


Just in case you had any illusions about the fairness or impartiality of the Irish 'justice' system:- On the same day as 'celebrity chef' Tim Allen was allowed to buy himself off a prison sentence for the possession of child pornography, five Romanian men were jailed after a court found that "it was reasonable to infer that they intended to commit an offence in a shop in Co. Wicklow last November". Allen's sentence of a nine-month prison sentence was reduced to one of 240 hours community service on the payment of EUR40,000 to a child welfare charity - proof, if proof is needed, of the fact that there is one law for the rich and another for the poor.

Statement of Joe Moffatt who was arrested at the Genoa G8 protests


In July 2001 after the Genoa G8 summit protests during which Carlo Giuliani was shot dead by police a WSM member and Irish protester Joe Moffat was arrested.  He was held for 16 days during which he was beaten and imprisoned.  On his release and return to Ireland he released the following statement detailing what happened to him during those days of arrest and prison.  For details of what happened in Genoa before these events see Eyewitness account of the Genoa G8 protest written by another WSM member who was there.

Swedish libertarian socialist Björn Söderberg murdered by fascists


SWEDISH FASCISTS murdered a long time trade unionist last October. Björn Söderberg was an activist of the 'libertarian socialist' Swedish Workers Central Organisation (SAC) union. He was shot three times outside his apartment in the Stockholm suburb of Satra. He was shot in the head.

USA has 25% of the entire prison population of the world - 2000


IN THE UNITED STATES, in February, the US Prison system incarcerated its two millionth prisoner. This means that the prison population of the USA accounts for 25% of the entire prison population of the world. This figure is even more startling when you discover that the US only accounts for 5% of the global population. The next time you hear someone sing the Star Spangled Banner you should remember that fact and consider that "land of the free and the home of the brave" is in truth neither.

Gardaí involved in racist persecution


BELMONDO WANTETE, an electrical engineer from the Congo, has lived in Ireland with his wife and young children for the last four years, and is a legal resident. He had to flee from his own country because of political persecution. Ireland was supposed to be a safe refuge.Last year, on May 1st, gardaí raided his home at 3am. They had a warrant ...but with someone else's name on it. They shouted threats and racist abuse, and pushed a gun through his letter box. Then they broke in and beat Mr Wantete. His children were dragged from their beds

Chumbawamba on Mumia Abu Jamal


POLITICAL EXECUTIONS are no stranger to America. The Haymarket Martyrs, Joe Hill, Sacco and Vanzetti are just a few of the victims. The most recent political show trial and execution was back in the 1950s when alleged "atom bomb spies" Julius and Ethel Rosenburg were put to death. Now the US establishment wants to revive this nasty practice. Rock group Chumbawamba have written this article about death row prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal.Stop The Execution - He Should Have Got Off!

Crime does pay


BY 1993, as Shell's spin-doctors were teaching budding executives that "ignorance gets corporations into trouble, arrogance keeps them there", 300,000 Ogoni peacefully protested against Shell's operations (i.e. massive pollution and employment of paramilitary gangs as 'security'), only for 2,000 to be butchered, and countless others raped and tortured by the Nigerian military.

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