
The Economy of the Revolution - After the revolution


If we are to envision this world as an improvement over our current one, it will be absolutely necessary to retain the advances made during the industrial, and even more importantly the recent agricultural revolution. To fail to do so would be no less than mass genocide. The productive capacity of the world in terms of food, goods and services is enormous. In order to feed the hungry and cloth the naked, we will need an efficient system of production allocation and distribution.

Green party in government in Ireland - The Party Political Environment: Beyond Saving


So, for the first time in the history of the Irish state the Green Party are in government. Does this mean we will see any real, radical change? Can the Greens stay true to their Manifesto promises?

Never have we witnessed an election like the one just passed in the states history. Essentially, we witnessed a public refurendum on two possible coalitions. In the end we were given a government unique in the states history, in that for the first time it features the Green Party.

The rising of the moon


A collection of Irish anarchist articles on the rebellion of 1798 and the 1916 insurrection brought together in a single 40 page PDF pamphlet which you can download. 

Can We Really Afford Shelter?


Shelter, especially in the form of long-term housing, is a basic human need. That's why Abraham Maslow put it at the base of his hierarchy of needs back in 1943. As a basic requirement in life, it should also be seen as undeniable right - something all people deserve, no matter who they are or where they come from.

PDF: Anarchizm Jest Swietny


Broszura ta jest zbiorem tekstow opublikowanych przez WSM - WORKERS SOLIDARITY MOVEMENT, anarcho- komunistyczna organizacje zakorzenion± w tradycji "platformy ". Wybrane teskty dotycza teori i praktyki anarchizmu w nawiazaniu do uniwersalnych zagadnien jak postrzeganie pojecia wolnosci w spoleczenstwie kapitalistycznym a jej znaczenie w ujêciu anarcho-komunizmu.

An anarchist approach to housing


It has been said that the Irish are “obsessed with property”. Indeed the level of knowledge of the property market possessed by the average Irish taxi driver is Ireland is reputedly comparable to that possessed by full time real estate agents in some countries. In the run up to the 2007 election the various parties were scrambling to come up with an olive branch to offer the electorate in the property arena. The increasing difficulty faced by first-time buyers, and the pressure felt on the government was reflected to some degree in election promises including abolishing stamp duty entirely for first-time buyers and building more social housing.

Klasa bez Panstwa


Polish translation of WSM texts on immigrant workers

Broszura ta jest zbiorem publikacji WSM - WORKERS SOLIDARITY MOVEMENT, anarcho- komunistycznej organizacji zakorzenionej w tradycji "platformy". 

Anarchist-Communism and Elections


This article was written back in 2003 and was part of the Chilean discussion on the coming local elections at the time and the way many comrades wanted to dedicate the bulk of our resources (both financial and human) to anti-electoralism. As well, there was a debate as we were starting to run into elections in universities, schools, trade unions and community organisations and some said that anarchists were against voting in any form. Some of the arguments on tactics andprinciples have appeared again recently in the discussions I've had on the issue here in Ireland

Miss D, the right to choose and the WSM


The 'Miss D' case put in context with the struggle in Ireland for women to have full control over their own bodies and the position taken by the WSM on this issue. A few weeks ago, a 17 year old girl, 4 months pregnant, known as 'Miss D' was brought before the courts to determine whether or not she should be allowed to travel to England for an abortion. The baby she was carrying had been diagnosed with anencephaly, a condition that leads to still-births. The longest an infant has survived outside the womb with this condition is a few days. Yet the Irish government were unwilling to let Miss D have an abortion, denying Miss D's basic human rights under the guise of 'letting the baby die with dignity'.

WSM members opinions on the results of the June 2007 general election


  These three pieces were written by WSM members for about the results of the 2007 election and its impact on the left. See our Election 2007 page at for what we had to say in advance of the election.

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