
Organising with the T&G, and beyond?


In the UK union membership has been in steady decline for the past 25 years, not least due to how people are being employed - casualised labour, increased imposition of agency work, temporary, short term contracts & contracts of ‘self-employment’, along with the general lack of confidence in unions after years of complacency, compromises and defeats.

Focus on precarity - Ireland


Over the past year there has been an emerging preoccupation among anarchists and socialists with precarity as it’s an expression of a new work discipline imposed by neo-liberalism. Already there have been several precarity forums in European cities aimed at etching out a sense of the identities formed through the shared experience of the demands of job market flexibility.

The insurrection of Easter 1916


The Easter 1916 rising in Dublin is often portrayed simply as nationalist blood sacrifice but it can also be examined as an insurrection which was seriously planned to defeat the British army. It is credited with transforming political attitudes in Ireland, leading to the partally successful war of independance but nationalist histories tend to understate the other reasons why the situation was transformed and to completely ignore the wave of workers struggles that broke out during the war.

The Shadow of Pinochet over Chile - Chilean anarchist on the death and legacy of Pinochet


With the corpse of Pinochet, they think they can bury all those dead standing in the way. But in order to erase the face of Pinochet from the face of Chile, they should do what they did in the past with the ancient kings: he should be buried with all of its belongings –his army, his State, his innumerable pages of laws and his Constitution. His death is only making obvious the various contradictions in today’s Chile.

The Role of an Anarchist Organisation


Looking around the world today it can be difficult to imagine how the society that we want to see can be created. But rather than sitting back and waiting for capitalism to collapse, or for the revolution to come, we believe in organising in the here and now.

Who do the gardai really work for?


A consortium of Shell, Statoil, and Marathon do a deal with the government allowing them exclusive exploitation rights to the Corrib gas field, off Mayo. Not only that, but they are allowed to write off their costs against taxes, meaning that the whole project is being funded by the PAYE taxpayer, who will receive nothing, not even lower gas prices. It may sound a bit iffy but there is no garda investigation into possible bribery or corruption.

Parlamentonun gerçek amac


Kesinti, kesinti ve daha fazla kesinti karşılığında, seçimlerde güneşin, ayın ve yıldızların söz verilmesine alıştık artık. Bunun sebebi bütün siyasetçilerin yalancı olması mı sadece, yoksa bunun daha derinlerde yatan nedenleri mi var? Seçimlere katılmamak, Bakunin'in döneminden beri anarşist bir taktik olarak süregelmiştir. Bu makalede anarşistlerin seçimlere katılmamayı veya geçersiz oy kullanmayı savunmasının nedenlerinden bazılarını ele alacağız.

Sovyet Rusya'dan: Ekim'e Dair Dört Efsane


1922'de Emma Goldman Sovyet Rusya'dan dert yanıyordu; [Sovyet Rusya] "kör ve topalın, sağır ve aptal'ın mucizevi kürler için toplandığı modern bir Sosyalist Lourdes [Fransa'nın güneybatısında bir haç yeri]" haline gelmişti. Tarihsel geçerlilik iddiasında bulunan pekçok dini olay gibi, Ekim devriminin pekçok efsanesi de tarihsel bir tanıklıktan ziyade parti liderliğine [karşı] körü körüne bir iman yaratmak amacı ile yazılmıştır.

Hardt ve Negrinin


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