Anarchist movement

Belfast Anarchist Bookfair 2007


Belfast Anarchist Bookfair
12 - 6 pm
Saturday 1st September.
at the Belfast Unemployed Resource Centre
45/47 Donegall Street
Hosted by Just Books Collective and Organise!

Visit to Polish anarchist bookfair in Poznan


Brief report from 3 of us who went to the anarchist bookfair in Poznan at the start of May

Anti-G8 Info evbening and workshop


Information evening and workshop in Dublins Social Centre on the upcoming Anti-G8 mobilisations in North Eastern Germany.
Do come along!

Outta Control - issue 13 March 1981


Published every four weeks by the Belfast Anarchist Collective. This issue included a four page supplement 'Gaining Ground" 'produced independently by Anarcha-feminists'

Anarchy magazine No 6 - published 1970


Anarchy Magazine was an anarchist magazine published in London from the 1960s. It was originally published by Colin Ward. A second series was published in the 1970s and 1980s from London. Issue No 6 published in 1970 was largely given over to articles written by members of People's Democracy. The PDF file linked to here is a scan of that issue, we have also transcribed some of the articles.

Belfast May Day march


March with the WSM. Saturday May 5th.

Assemble at Custom House Square at 11.30am and march to Georges Market, where there will be stalls, music, food and a full bar.

Organised by the Belfast & District Council of Trade Unions

Anarchist Worker - May/June 1979


PDF of Anarchist Worker No1 the publication of Anarchist Workers Alliance, formed in Dublin in December 1978, dissolved around 1981/2? Seven issues were published.

Resistance - June/July 1983


Anarchist newspaper from 1983 published by the Dublin Anarchist Collective

The Contaminated Crow - Feb 1980


Anarchist newspaper published in 1980 by a collective in Dublin and Belfast. This issue is on the anti nuclear movement

Ούτε Θεός-Ούτε Αφέντης


Το WSM συμμετείχε σε διαδήλωση αλληλεγγύης στους Δανούς αναρχικούς και κοινωνικούς αγωνιστές, στις 9 Μάρτη, έξω από τη δανέζικη πρεσβεία στο Δουβλίνο

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